Hi, there! I’m so glad that you found your way over to my little internet home. My name is Bonnie. I love sewing! I also love sharing my love of sewing. I hope you’ll find an abundance of inspiration here, along with some tips and tricks that will help you improve your sewing skills! This blog has slowed down quite a bit, but you can check in to see what I’m sewing these days right here on Instagram.
When I’m not sewing, I’m busy with a houseful of incredible little people … and some that are not so little anymore! I’m mom to eleven through both birth and adoption, including four grown-ups and one sweet girl in Heaven. At home right now, we have ages 12, 9, 6, 4 and 2-year-old twins! (I recently started my nineteenth year as a homeschooling mom, too.) I’m also “GiGi” to five who range in age from 17 to 9 months. Oh, and I’m married to a wonderful husband, Ray, who does an amazing job of supporting all of us in everything we do!
I love Jesus, coffee, dark chocolate, science fiction, babies, coffee, homeschooling, photography, and, um, coffee.
For about a decade, I designed and sold sewing patterns as the owner of Fishsticks Designs. I’ve had to step away from that for now because of how short my time is, but you can still find some of my PDF patterns by clicking the PATTERNS link above.