Did you miss me? Er, maybe I should ask, is anyone still here?! It’s been a much longer break than I anticipated, but I think things are settled enough around our house that I can jump back into blogging regularly. I have a long, long list of things to share, including tons of quilting, some new crafty pursuits and plenty of tutorials. I’m even hoping to have a few new patterns ready to release in the next several months.
Cubby and Tinkerbell are still with us, for almost 7 months now! It feels like the time has flown by. They’ve grown and changed so much in that time, and we have, too. Many days are hard, but there are so many things that make the difficulties worth the work!
We’ve celebrated several birthdays this summer including Cubby’s second, Katie’s fourth and Allen’s 16th! Oh, and my mama came to visit and celebrated her birthday with us, too!I’ve developed a bit of an addiction to Instagram swaps. I’ve finished more than half a dozen this year already, and I have several more on my list before the end of the year. (If you don’t already follow me on Instagram, you can find me right here.) I’ll be sharing both my sent and received quilts over the next few weeks.
I joined a charity quilt swap a few months ago, as well as a virtual quilting bee. More about both of those later!
I finished my Log Cabin Hexi quilt! I feel a bit like it was my first “big girl” quilt project, and it definitely deserves a post of its own. I just need a nice day to snap some good pictures! Right now, I’m loving that it hangs just inside my front door, so it’s the first thing you see when you walk into our home.
Finally, I’ve learned a new craft – crocheting! I’m so enjoying it. I also picked up my old favorite craft, cross-stitch, after a very long break. (It was my go-to craft in college!)
I’m excited to share more about all of these things with you soon, and I hope you’re excited to join me again!
Im so glad that you are providing a loving place for your foster children. They are blessed to have you. ( plus having more kids to sew for is your blessing)
It’s so nice to have you back! Looking forward to all of your posts, tutorials, etc! Glad you got some nice time with your family.
Yay for new crafts! Love the log cabin quilt! Can’t wait to see what other things you have to show off! Your foster kids are blessed to have you
So glad you’re back & things are going ok for you. Looking forward to your blogs & and new patterns. Welcome back
i am so glad your back! I have missed you! Can’t wait to hear the details of your new crafting!
Welcome back! Looking forward to reading more of your posts and enjoying your sewing ideas and patterns.
I enjoy all of your posts…thank you!