Moving right along on the HGP. Anyone else out there decluttering with me? There wasn’t much work to be done in our living room. It’s one of the rooms that I keep clean so we can welcome drop-in company anytime.

I had mentioned cleaning my back porch, but it rained all weekend here, so I had to change plans. Instead, I tackled my pantry and laundry area. Before, the pantry had food, cleaning tools, recycling, some homeschool supplies (I think those have been there since we moved in 3 years ago), unmatched socks, handed-down cloth diapers and miscellaneous stuff. I took out the school supplies and diapers–putting them where they belong, reorganized everything, threw away a zillion empty boxes and matched up the socks–throwing away the holey ones and the ones with no matches.
Before pics:


I filled up the recycling bin with all those cardboard boxes!
I didn’t get before pics of the laundry area. It’s situated in a pass-through, right across from the pantry. Some of the pantry contents had overflowed there, and it was piled with clean, folded laundry that needed to be put away. It’s all clean for now. Of course, I need to do laundry today . . .

Great job! Everything looks so nice now. I am curious about the picture of your laundry room. Is that a table to fold clothes with storage underneath or a counter top? I can’t tell from the picture. It looks really nice, though.