I need that reminder so very often. It’s really been too hot here to play outside lately, so I’ve been letting Jamie put a little water in the sink to dive his Lego guys in and out. As he has every day this week, he asked if he could play in the sink this morning, and I was busy trying to finish up a project, so I said, “Sure.” He knows that he’s only supposed to put in about 2″ of water and then turn off the faucet. I could hear him happily splashing away while I worked. Suddenly, though, he came running out yelling, “Mom! The pretty rugs are getting all wet!” And, here, my friends, is one of those moments where I had a decision to make . . . do I choose to get frustrated with the mess, fuss at the little guy who made it, throw down some towels and clean it all up . . . or do I stop for a minute, smile, grab the camera and capture this moment in the life of a preschooler who before I know it will be grown?
All too soon, my carpets will always be dry and those sweet little toes will be attached to size 11 feet with no desire to hang out in my bathroom playing in the sink with little Lego guys. For today, though, he’s three, and this is so much fun!
Thank you for sharing, Bonnie, and thank you for the reminder. God bless.
Bonnie, thanks so much for the perspective. I’m convicted of my impatient reactions to my boys’ messes… every day I struggle with my temper and impatience – it’s good to be smacked upside the head now and again with this kind of reminder. You’re always an inspiration to me on DSD too, the kind of Godly mom I want to be. Thanks! ((hugs))
Good choice Bonnie, he is precious!
Thanks for making me cry, Bonnie! I think I’m going to go get the legos out for Benjamin and Josiah now! 🙂
I so need to slow down and let Brogan be a little kid. I do not do well with messes (of the spill or icky variety) and have to sometimes force myself to say, “Yes, you can play with your playdough right now” (or paint or whatever the case may be). It would have been a struggle for me to choose the one that you chose but it would have been the right thing to do. Water is just that – water. I’m working on it! LOL
I love reading your blog! You are such an inspiration to me!