Miss Katie J. celebrated her 4th birthday early this month, and since she adores everything My Little Pony, she needed a pony-covered party dress! As seems usual lately, my schedule kept me hopping until the last minute, so I opted for a party dress pattern that I know well and can sew quickly – one that happens to be named for the birthday girl – the Katie J. Jumper!
With four hours to go until party time, I posted this picture to Instagram … I had a lot of work to do, really fast! At least it was all cut out, right?While the rest of the family worked on the last minute party preparations, I sewed! And, with less than half an hour to spare … Katie was dressed and ready.
I chose the double-sided, reversible option since it really doesn’t take a lot of extra time, and it let me use even more MLP fabric.
Can you tell how much she loved her dress?
Katie celebrated with pink raspberry frosted chocolate cake …
… cutie marks …
… and plenty of presents, including this beautiful handmade afghan crocheted by her great grandmother (my mama)!
Enjoy following your blog. I have the Fold & Go Art Kit pattern. Looking forward to sewing it.