I had so much fun participating in Sew Mama Sew’s Giveaway Day last year. I couldn’t wait to join in again this year. It took me a bit to decide what I wanted to giveaway, but I finally came up with something that I hope you’ll be excited to win!

I’ve really enjoyed spending time this year quilting for my family. A quilt sewn by someone who loves you has this amazing way of warming your body and your heart at the same time. My favorite of the quilts that I’ve finished recently is this I-Spy Quilt that I sewed for 2-year-old Jamie. It’s such a fun quilt–great for rest or play, and my little guy loves it!

I have quite a few more I-Spy squares in my stash, so I thought I’d share some of them with someone else who might want to make a similar quilt for a little one! The giveaway set consists of 30-6 1/2″ squares. To enter the drawing, just leave a comment here sharing who you would sew an I-Spy quilt for if you win. The drawing will remain open until 9 p. m. central time on Sunday, December 6th. While you’re here, be sure to check out my 100th Post Giveway, too: 100th Post!

thanks for participating in today’s giveaways!! i love checking out new blogs.
A wonderful idea! Aren’t quilts so fun and rewarding? I love knowing that my babies are snuggled under something that Mama made and that they love it! Thanks so much and have a beautiful week!
I’d love to win! My 2 year old would love a quilt like this!!! Pick me!!
I love I spy quilts, and would love to make one for my 4 year old niece
; )
Thank you for sharing. There is nothing nicer than a huge selection of fabric for an I spy!
The quilt is wonderful. My cousin’s little son would love such a quilt. And he really outgrew the baby quilt I made for him. Thank you for the giveaway.
Oh man, I could do wonders with those for my little boy, he’s almost one (as in TOMORROW!) and so he’s all about the colorful things! What a great giveaway! Thanks!
I would make an i-spy quilt for my 2-yr old nephew, he would absolutely love it!
I’ve made several I Spy quilts for family and friends over the years, but I’d make a Project Linus one with these fabrics if I win. Thanks for the chance!
wow, my kids deffinately would love i-spy quilt. great squares and thank you for this giveaway
I would use the fabric to make a quilt for my son’s school’s silent auction. It is a co-operative preschool and a lot of their funds come from fundraising to keep tuition low. Thanks for a great giveaway!
I’d like to say I would make it for a cousin’s kid this Christmas, but in reality it would get done by the time my 13 month old is ready to enjoy it in a few years… š
Hi Bonnie, Gretchen from DSD here! I love your quilt! Charming! I’m so happy I found your blog through SMS today!
I would use the squares to make some quilts for my quilt group to donate to the children’s hospital. We have so many quilts in my house already that I like to give back to others when I get the chance!
My grandsons would love an I-Spy quilt. And I have plenty of time to make them one before their birthdays in August.
I would love to make 2 car size cuddle quilts for my babies… they love blankies in the car in the winter, and to have an interactive one would be AWESOME!!!
Wow thank you for such a nice giveaway!
I have two autistic children and they are obsesed with I spy and love those books!! I would make a quilt for them or an i spy fabric booklet for them so they could share.
Thank you for doing this giveaway!
Definitely my little boy who is 4!
I would make it for my 5 year old
These fabrics are really funny ! Please, count me in !
I’d make a quilt for my 9 year old niece she’d love it! Thanks for the opportunity.
What a great giveaway idea! I would make the quilt for my 2 year old for Christmas (haha to getting it done on time!). š
I would definately be sewing one for my two boys… one is 2 and half and one is 16 months so I know they would love it!
I found your blog in last year’s giveaway day and suscribed. Then I melted my old computer (no, really) and lost all my RSS feeds. Now I have found you again! BWA HA HA.
Um. Erm. I mean. Perhaps I would make it for my nephew; though as it’d be my first quilt it might not be good enough. Thank you!
Little Mr.W – the wee one in my life would be the I-Spy recipient of choice.
What great fabrics!
How fun! I would love to make a quilt for my sister’s family. She has three kids and I think they would really enjoy it.
I have a new niece or nephew on the way and this is such a fantastic idea! Thanks for sharing and the great giveaway.
Those fabrics are so cute! My daughters would love them.
Cute fabrics. I would love to make a quilt like this for my daughter for a car blanket. Thanks!
I would sew the quilt for my 3 year old little boy. NOw if I could only teach him to stay under his quilt at night – then he wouldn’t wake up with the beautiful quilt on the floor and some frozen tootsies hehe
I would sew the quilt for my 6 month old.
My three year old nephew would love an I-Spy quilt! He really likes his I-spy book and bottle and the quilt would make him so happy! What a great idea, even if I don’t win I think I’m going to have to make this quilt.
My 3 year old would love and I spy quilt
I’ve been wanting to make an I-Spy quilt, but can’t afford to amass the amount of fabric! This would help! Thanks!!
I’d be making that I-spy quilt for my little guy, who just turned 17 months old, and I’m afraid is going to wear out his pointing finger one of these days. He’d be totally into an i-spy quilt. One more thing to point at!
I love the I spy
But,why just make it for kids
Oh! I love the sushi print!
What a great giveaway!
I have never made a quilt, but if I won I would make it and then let the littles fight over who gets it. Or maybe I would split it up and make two smaller quilts, one for each. That would probably work out best.
Oh, I love these quilts! I want to make one for my first nephew, who is only 1 right now. I am in the middle of making my very first quilt (it replaced a wedding guest book) and I love the process and will do it again.
If I was chosen, I’d sew a quilt for my son who’s 3 1/2. He’d love a eye spy quilt. Thank you
I would have to make this quilt for my 2-year-old nephew. My sister and brother-in-law have to drive 9 hours to visit family, and this would be great to keep the little one busy for a while!
I would sew this quilt for my 2 year old son, as he is the only child that didnt receive a quilt from my grandma (he came along after she passed) š
I would say if I won my baby will be 2 at the beginning of next year I wold put it together for her.
It’s always fun to see giveaways pop up in my reader! I would make this for one of my yet to be born kids… haha Thanks for the giveaway!
I would sew the quilt for my friends 3 year old son who recently lost his daddy in the line of duty. Our friend Mark was one of the four Heroes slain in Washington State at the coffee shop. It wouldn’t replace his daddy, but might give him a smile during this atrocious time.
I’d sew one for my daughters
My little one’s not quite big enough for an i-spy quilt, but she will be soon. So, I’d make one for her in anticipation of it being a great thing to take to church to keep her busy within the next year.
I’d probably make one for my cousin’s daughter (or possibly for a friend’s kid, depending on when I got it done).
You are right. I am excited! Thanks for the chance to win!
I would love to use the fabric to make a baby blanket welcoming a new baby my friend will be having soon!!!
i love that quilt. I would make it for my daughters. they would love it so much
These charm squares would make a great Project Linus quilt! Thanks for the chance to win!
I love this one! An I Spy quilt would be for my daughter, of course!
So you are doing this too! I’d luv those cuts to make a quilt for the boys! Jamie’s quilt is awesome B. I hope to see you soon! Merry Christmas.
Our one and a half year old grandson would like this quilt!!!
An I-Spy quilt. wow, what a great idea!!! I have only made an attempt to making a quilt for my daughter and i still have to finish it!!!
well, that’s easy- definitely my son. My daughter has gotten more than her fair share of mama-made things (i find it harder to sew for boys)!
I would make something for my 5-year-old son! I made a similar one years ago for a little girl, but adding the name like you did is a great idea!
I would make 2 quilts, one for my 2yr old son & one for my 4 month old daughter. Thanx for the chance to win!
I would make a quilt for my 19 month old. She is IN LOVE with anything ‘I spy’. She would be in heaven and probably torture us my carrying it EVERYWHERE!!!!
Thanks for participating in the SMS giveaways Bonnie!! I would make an Ispy quilt for my YDD, she would LOVE IT!
Funny quilt, I really like the idea. If I’m not allowed to make one for myself, I would chose to make it for my nephew. But then I’d have to make two, since I have a niece too š
A ton of my friends are pregnant right now, many with their first, so that is what I would use the fabric for. (One of the million and one gifts I need to get right now for all the new babies!!)
I would make one for my 2 year old daughter. She is really quite precocious these days and maybe she would sit still and look at all the things on the blanket for a few minutes so that I could clean up her messes! š
I’d make one for my 5 yo daughter, she LOVES to play I-Spy!
Cute blanket, love the squares~
i’d love to make an i-spy for a very dear elderly friend in a home with dementia
gill x
I would make this quilt for my 9 year old daughter…she would love it. š
That is exciting! I have a 9-month old daughter, so this would be perfect.
Thank you for this great giveaway! If I’m the lucky winner, I’d love to make a mini I-spy quilt for my own future baby. I know it sounds weird, but I love quilting and my fiance and I are planning to have a baby in a year, so the better prepared I am the better, right?
I\’ve been thinking about making 2 lap i-spy quilts for my kids for the car. oooh, this would give me a jump start! love your quilts.
What a great giveaway! I love the one you made your son. I am expecting a little boy in May, and I think these fabrics would make a great quilt for him!
Ooh! So cute! I would make an I Spy quilt for my 3 year old daughter. She has just discovered I Spy, and she is good at it! Plus, she loves handmade things in a way that makes a mama proud. Thanks for the chance to win!
Oh how fun. I’d make a quilt for my 13 month old. With the way she’s not taking naps (and therefore limiting my time to sew!) it’d be done about the time she’d really be able to enjoy it.
What a great idea for a quilt. I would make an I spy quilt for my dad because he always reads those books to his grandsons and I think he would love to have it in blanket form.
I am going to make two quilts – one for each of my boys (almost 1 and 3 1/2). I love how you put Jamie’s name in the middle of the quilt – I hadn’t thought about that but it’s a great idea and a terrific way to personalize it.
my nephew would love a quilt from that fabric-very cool! thanks for the chance to win š
I would make a quilt for my little brother. Though he is not quite that little any more but I am sure that he will still enjoy a quilt especially when there are as many cool prints in there as above š
Thank you for the opportunity!
Wow…it would be hard to decide who to give that quilt to. I’d probably just end up keeping it for my three kids…unless a birthday came up around the same time. š
Oh, wow! What a great idea for a quilt! This would be perfect for my 4 year old son!
I would definitely make an I-spy quilt for my wee 3-year-old girl, who might be inclined to stay in her bed all night if she had a fun quilt to look at when she can’t sleep!
i’m actually planning to sew a I-spy quilt to celebrate my friend’s baby who will soon be 1 year old. when he was born i wasn’t a quilter, but so much has changed eheheh
if i had babies of my own (i so wish…) i would make them quilts too. the one you made is so lovely!!!
I would make an I spy quilt for my little girls.
Great!!! Beat fabric ever!
Great give away!
Great Giveaway I would make a quilt for my 2 yr old grandson. He would love looking for all the different things. Thanks
I would love to make an I-Spy quilt for my little girl š She loves to play I spy!! Thanks for the giveaway!! š
I would make the quilt for my preschoolers. We have a reading tub the I keep stocked with pillows and stuffed animals, the kids would love to have a quilt.
My, aren’t you generous! I’d put this to good use in something for my 2-year-old. Maybe a small quilt or some pillows.
This fabric is great- I’d love to make one of these quilts!
I’d sew one for my 8mth old daughter..
I would sew one for my nephew.
Oh how cool! I’ve been wanting to do a quilt like this for MY two year old but I don’t have the right kinds of fabric in my stash! Love it!
I would probably make a quilt with it for my little girl. Thank you for the chance to win. I hope you have a wonderful Chirstmas. -dez
I would make a quilt for my nephew. He’d love these fabrics
I love I Spy quilts! I would probably make these squares into a quilt for my one year old.
I have a couple people to pick from!
I would make a quilt for my cousin with these. I-spy is a really cute idea thanks!
My daughter Christianna(7) would love to have a quilt with those fabrics. She carries blankets all around the house everyday of the year.
That’s easy! My two year old son!
I have a curious little nephew that would dig an i-spy quilt!
wow, I love these fabrics!
how fun! I would make it for my son š
What a cute idea. I love the squares.
I love the fabric!
I would make it for our children.
I would love to make an i-spy quilt for my 15 month old son. Thanks for the chance to win.
Our extended family is expecting 2 babies in january, 1 will be my great nephew/neice the other will be my great great neice/nephew (yes, i feel ancient) and i would love to make them both a quilt.
Your blog is so fun to read. I appreciate the inspiration. Looking forward to using these squares…I hope!
How adorable!
I would love to stitch up an I-Spy quilt for my new baby grandnephew, Kameron.
How fun!!! I would love to make one for my girls.
i love eyespy quilts!
Please enter me in the draw!
Oh awesome blocks! These would be so much fun for my daughter!
Oh wow!!! I love this giveaway! I have wanted to make an I-Spy quilt for a long time! Count me in! Your little guy looks quite content with his quilt too! š
I am making an I Spy quilt for a special little one for Christmas — I could use this to make one for her sister!
I would make one for my nieces. They are young enough right now they could use one to do all kinds of things with. They have a great imagination. Thanks for the chance!!!
I have a 6 month old niece who I would love to make a quilt for!
What a coincidence, I just started cutting for a pair of small i-spy quilts for my two nephews to use in the car! I could really use a few more squares! Great giveaway!
I would make the quilt for my daughter to use during Toddler Time with her dad. It would be the perfect place to sit and read and sing and learn and then they could play eye-spy. Thanks
I love that fabric. I know just who I would give that to too. I have been working on quilts for children’s Hospital, Seattle for their new guild, Katies Comforters (they are on blogger!!) That would make a perfect quilt to distract a sick child!
My little man just turned 3 and I know he would love this!
I would make and I Spy quilt for my sweet, chubby two-year-old brother, Sam. š
I would sew the quilt for my 3 year old son. I recently made my daughter a quilt and he keeps telling me that he wants it even though it’s pink.
Well my first thought was for my 20mth old son, but I realise my 8 yr old son misses out alot so I would make one for him. He would love it.
My son desperately needs a new quilt (he is still using the one Grandma made for him when he was born and he is almost 4!), so I’d make one for him! Thanks for the chance!
My godson would love to have an I Spy quilt, and what would I not do for him? Thanks for the giveaway!
I would use the ISpy blocks to make a quilt for my 14 month old little boy. I think he would enjoy it now, and it would be hours of fun for him as he grows older!
Definately with my youngest son. I think he would really enjoy it. Thanks for participating in the Giveaway Day!
Oh, this is one of my favorite giveaways! thanks for the chance!!
I’d make one for my nephews!! š
My 3-yr-old son would LOVE this! Thanks for the chance to win!
Great prints. I’d make it for my very favorite baby cousin, of course!
Hi, Bonnie! I’d love to make an I-spy quilt for my Henry!
What a fun giveaway Bonnie! Call me crazy, but I’d love to make an I-spy patchwork twirly dress for my older daughter. I just know she’d love it!
It’s no secret — I am OBSESSED with I-spy!! I would add these blocks to my ridiculous collection, which is going to be made into a queen-size quilt for MY bed. When I was growing up my parents’ bed was an impromptu gathering place for hanging out and conversation. I want mine to be the same — so having an I-spy quilt on MY bed would encourage some fun and conversation!
What a great giveaway!
Bonnie doesn’t seem to be a very common name anymore. My parents decided to name me with a “y” though. Anyway, I’d actually make an I Spy quilt for my sister. She’s in college now, but when we were little I’d always cuddle under her quilt and we’d play I Spy. There were a limited number of things in her room, but still … fond memories.
This looks like fun! I’d sew mine for my little ones and they’d have to share it.
Thanks for the giveaway!
TOO COOL. I am trying to come up with a good idea for a quilt for my 2 year old son! getting ready to move to his big boy bed…I would definitely use your squares. Thanks for a chanc.e
I would make an I Spy quilt for my two boys, Jason and Donald, to cuddle under and distract them when they aren’t feeling well.
I AM making an I-Spy quilt for my toddler, I could REALLY use a few more squares to replace some of the iffy ones.
Love the quilt. I’d use the squares to make an I Spy quilt for my 2 young nieces..7 & 3..they’d love it!
Beautiful quilt. I have also made quilts for my two daughters for Christmas this year. If I win I think I would make one for my little nephew who is almost 2. Thanks for the chance to win your great fabric package.
My daughter is collecting fabric for an eye spy quilt. I would love to give it to her.
Eye spy fabric squares- lovely. Thanks for hosting this giveaway.
My little guy, Josiah, would love a quilt. I tend to sew more for my daughter, so it’s my little guy’s turn!
I have a 21 month old grandson that would enjoy an eye-spy quilt like yours. Thanks for the giveaway.
I would make a car quilt for my 4 year old. She loves my quilts and is always up for a game.
Oh these are adorable! I just finished my very first quilt – a stacked coins baby quilt following the directions on the moda bakeshop. I would love to make a quilt for my dearest friend, who has spend her life giving to others, teaching children, and desperately wanting a family of her own. After finally abandoning an abusive relationship, she married a wonderful man, and less than a year later was blessed with a son. and then, much to their surprise, less than a year later found they had a daughter on the way! Now when I see photos of her she is so blissfully happy it brings tears to my eyes.
Woohoo! I recently started collecting these, too! I’m going to make one for my kiddos in general…a family quilt for picnics, perhaps?
I would make my 8 year old little sister one for her birthday in January!
I would make an I-Spy quilt for my son. He is 8 months old.
Aww cute! I would sew an I-Spy quilt for my new son (my first child) who is 4 months old. I have been wanting to make him one as a playmat to use for tummy time now & to grow into, but have been unable to gather more than a couple of squares. Yours is adorable! Thanks for participating!
Great I-spy quilt š
Darling idea
Must do one soon
So totally awesome. What a great giveaway. I totally love your quilt.
Another great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!
so cute! i love it. I would sew one for my two oldest girls (3 and 4) to share
I really love that fabric and what a great idea. I have a little one who just turned a year and I’m enjoying making things for her whenever I can. š
I would make it for my two kids to share in the lounge room when they play and for us all to snuggle under when we read stories at night time.
I would make a quilt for my 10 months old grandson Petar.
Thanks for giveaway,
Kind regards,
i have 2 boys
so that fabric can be very usefull!
I’d use the fabric for my 2 year old nephew š He’s a smart little guy with way too much energy according to his very pregnant mom, so anything made with those pretty fabrics should probably keep him busy for a couple of hours while he’ll be trying to find and name the things he knows. It’ll keep both him and his mom entertained.
Such a clever quilt! My 3 year old loves the books and he’s got an I spy game under the tree as well! Thanks for the chance to win!
That is such a cute quilt! Would love to make a similar one!! Thanks for the opportunity and cheers from Barcelona š
I have been wanting to make an I spy quilt – I have made one before with much smaller blocks (3 inches), the larger blocks would sew up a lot faster! Thanks for the chance to win!
I would love to make another I spy quilt. I was in the DSD swap and loved the squares I received. Thanks for all of the giveaways.
I would make a quilt for my little sister.
Great work!
And thanks for the chance.
I’d make it for my nephew.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I always wanted to make one for my son.
I would love to use these to make a small quilt for my youngest boy. I’ve made blankets for the older two and now it’s his turn.
I have a seven-year-old son that would love one of these. I’ve never seen one before! Thanks for the giveaway.
My oldest daughter is expeting our first grandchild…A BOY…in april. It would definitely be for him! We have three daughters so you can imagine we’re thrilled to finally have a boy in the family. Thanks for the opportunity to win and I hope you have a very Blessed Christmas.
I would make one for our little boy. There are so many fewer things to make for boys than girls.
Definately my nephew! Adorable fabric!
How fun! All my children would like it, but especially my 2.5 year old and my 7mo old, since they are home with me all day. Love it! Thanks for the giveaway!
Oh! Tough choice! my two oldest love eye spy. I think my Oldest would be the winner though. His nose is almost always in a eye spy book or where’s waldo.
I have wanted to make an I-spy quilt for my nephew, but so far I only have about 10 squares. This would be great to give me a big leap forward on the quilt.
Thanks for the great giveaway.
I have several grandsons and a granddaughter who would all be the right age for an eye spy….instead of making 5, maybe I should make one to keep at Oma’s house for them to amuse themselves with and play matching games with me! Would love those squares.
That’s awesome! I have been thinking about doing an I-spy quilt for my son. He’s currently 14 months old, but I think he would love it in the future. Either him or my 7 year old nephew. I just started quilting this year and love it! I saw on SMS that you’re in Dallas. Me too!! š It’s the best and I love this colder weather we’ve gotten this week. Maybe it will snow again tomorrow!
I would make the eye spy quilt with and for 4 sweet sisters who I have promised to teach to sew. This would be perfect for that project because it could be a game and a picnic quilt when they are finished!
I would make the eye spy quilt for my son. He always feels left out when I make the girls matching dresses.
What a lovely giveaway! Thanks for the chance to enter.
I would sew a quilt for my daughter who will be turning 3 in March (as a gift).
I would make it for my children our a future niece/nephew. Thanks for the giveaway.
Amazing…I have four kids that would just love to have those!! Of course after I make a WONDERFUL quilt out of it!!!
My baby brother (17 years my junior) and his wife are expecting a baby in May. I would love to make a quilt for them!
Thanks for taking part in the SMS giveaway!
That quilt is awesome! I have 3 little boys that would get hours of fun out of it! I’d love to win and make one for them! Thanks for sharing!
Wow I love that quilt. I’ve only just started quilting. I’d love to make an eye-spy quilt for one of my boys.
I SPY!!!! Love em. Started collecting scraps for my own but nowhere near enough yet…
Mine would be for my amazing little boy who has so much wonder in every little detail of life. He makes me look at the tiny things and be amazed. š
I have two wee sons that would have so much fun with an I spy quilt. I love the one you made.
I would make the I spy quilt for my little 3 year old. She loves blankets. As she has a rare genetic disorder, she is just starting to talk and this would be a fun way to help her use her words. Thank you for the great giveaway.
as much as my little one would enjoy this, i would pass it to my friend who is completely cash strapped since her hubby stopped working. she could use the pick me up and her little one would love it. thanks for the great oppotunity.
My brother and his wife are expecting a new baby in the new year and an eye-spy quilt would be just the thing! Thanks for the lovely giveaway!
Happy holidays!
I have 5 neices and nephews that would love an eye spy quilt to snuggle under! So please count me in!
Happy Holidays!
I’d sew it for my friend Sarah’s new baby!
I have just started quilting and the I-spy one looks like a lot of fun. I would make two of them – one for each of my grandsons – ages 1 and 3.
this is a great giveaway…please count me in
I would definitely make a quilt for my little guy. How cute!
I have a four year old and a one year old that would both enjoy an I Spy quilt. Thanks for the great giveaway and congrats on the new baby!
I would make a quilt for my nephew he is into “finding things” lately
Oh, I would love to make this quilt for my niece! She would love it.
I would have to make a gift since my little guy has an i-spy quilt made by a dear friend. we give blankets, toys and coats to many kiddos in Juarez Mexico through our organization http://www.ylm.org so I think i would make one for a special little child to bring warmth and hope in a time of great struggle
My 2 year old loves the I Spy books, so I bet she’d love a quilt š Thanks for the giveaway. alusco(at)centurytel(dot)net
I’ve just started planning a quilt for my nephew’s second birthday. This would be perfect!
I have a number of nieces and nephews — and some that are about to be born — that would love an I-Spy quilt.
I was going to say I would sew it for my 3.5 year old but then thought there might be fights (I have an 18mth old too) so if I won I would have to make a throw each using those cool blocks
I’d sew it for my 4 little ones. I’ve been meaning to try one of those.
I love I-spy quilts! I would love to make one for my best friend who has two little ones. I know they would adore it!
I would love to make this quilt for my 18 month old and my 5 year old! How much fun would that be for them to snuggle together?
I would make a quilt for a grandchild that is (cross your fingers) on the way!
I have two little ones (almost 3&1) who would receive the quilt.
I love the I SPY quilt and I would make it for my 6 year old grandson as we are always playing I Spy when traveling in the car.
I have four boys under 5 and they all would love, but this would be for my 2 year old. Thanks for the chance!
I have four boys under 5 and they all would love, but this would be for my 2 year old. Thanks for the chance!
kbsteuber at yahoo dot com
I would love to make a I Spy quilt for my toddler. I commute to work (one hour round trip) and I think she would really enjoy this for the drive. It would serve double duty by keeping her warm on these cold mornings we’ve been having!
Oh these would be perfect for making my sweet little granddaughter, Emily, an I spy quilt! She’s my pumpkin pie and the apple of my eye š Thank you for offering this great giveaway!
i’d sew this for my daughter, no question–she is so curious but i know this quilt could occupy her and comfort her!
I’ve been wanting to do an I-Spy quilt for each of my boys – I LOVE the idea! And I love yours with the name in the middle!!!
My nephew would love an I-Spy quilt!
I’d join up with my sis-in-law and make a quilt for my little great niece. Those fabrics are too cute! Thanks.
I would make I-Spy quilts for each of my three little ones. I’ve actually been collecting 6″ squares for a year or so, and these would be fun to add into what I have already! Thanks for the chance!
I’d love to win, Bonnie ! I know you do such awesome quilt work and I’d love to have some of the same squares as Jamie’s quilt !!
I love the quilt you made and would love to make one for my little boy! Thanks for doing the giveaway! sales4mp@gmail.com
I would love to make an I Spy quilt for on of my grands! Thanks for a great giveaway.
Wow my little boy would love a quilt made with this fabric. I would most likely add a red fabric though out and for the border and it would fit him well.
This is a beautiful quilt, so much fun for your son. We are about to embark on grandparenting and this fabric would make a great quilt for our new grandbaby!
wow, all the fabric choices. happy giveaway day! here’s mine http://www.simplymodernmom.com/2009/12/the-gift-box-a-giveaway/
My nephew just turned two so I would definitely make one for him. Thanks for the great giveaway.
Great Fabric! I have a Godson who would love this made into a quilt! Thanks for the give-away and Merry Christmas and Have a Blessed Day!
I’d sew an eye spy quilt for my littlest Theodore. He won’t quite be 2 when our new baby is born in April and it would be a lovely way to make him feel special and loved.
Definitely my niece, Faith…she turns 3 this month.
What a cool quilt! Thanks for the giveaway. I’m sure my lil girl would love it(she’ll be 3 in a few months) Merry CHRISTmas!!
Oh would love to sew a quilt for our youngest 4 years old. He would just love it.
I have three little boys, four year old twins and a two year old. So it would be a roll of the dice who’d get it. Most likely the lil guy though cause it’s his ‘turn’ again.
Two giveaways on one blog!? Thanks!
I’d make this for my friend’s baby. I made him a baby quilt when he was born but I think he would really like an I SPY quilt.
I don’t have kids of my own, but many of my friends have helpfully produced several children, who are the regular recipients of quilts I make. I one downside of being addicted to making quilts is that you make so many … and there’s a limit to how many I can use at my house. Solution — spoil my friends’ children with handmade gifts!
I would sew it for my nephew.
Those are wonderful fabrics and your Jamie quilt is lovely. I am sure it is well loved.
love the fabrics – great for kids!
This is such a cute idea… I have a nephew who would love an I-spy quilt!
Thank you for participating in the giveaway.
I have 9 grandkids and have made 2 Eye Spy quilts, one for one of my grandsons and one for one of my granddaughters. I would love to make another and your squares would be a good head start.
I have a great grandson who would love to have a I Spy quilt. Thanks for an unusual giveaway.
My daughter would love it I know!
For my daughter (6) and son (18 mos) who both love animals and snuggling together under a quilt.
Your son’s quilt is so cute and special. I’ve made all my grand kids quilts- but still have one to make for my 6 mo. old grandson! This would be perfect!
The I Spy idea is great!
Wow – fantastic! I’d use this prize to sew a quilt for my pregnant friend’s soon-to-be little one!
Oh, I love that fabric! I’ve never seen it before! I would make something for my 2-year-old boy, and he would love it!
I would love to sew an I-Spy quilt to donate to my church to raise money for repairs.
I would sew with these fabrics for my little boy who is so curious and learning so much!! Thanks for the chance to win!
Please enter me!! Thanks!
I would make this for my new nephew that is due any day now.
My Darling son needs a quilt for his bed
I’ve made I-spy bags for my little boys but not the quilt.. what a cute idea! I’d make one for all three one them. Thanks!
I’ve been wanting to make an I-spy book or quilt for my 2 year old so this would be perfect! Thanks for the chance to win š
How fun! I’d make and I Spy quilt for my just turned 3 year old. I think he’d LOVE to find all the fun things in the squares! š
I love the idea of an I-Spy quilt. I think I would make it for my little ones to share – they are 5 and 2 and both love playing I Spy and I Spy books.
I would give the fabic to my wife so she could make a quilt for our grandkids.
I’d love to make one for my new son!
Thank you for this wonderful giveaway. Thank you for the opportunity to win.
I am a homeschooling mom of 16 years. I have five children from ages 21 months to 21 years.
I am also having a giveaway; so be sure and stop by my blogs. I have two, one for sewing and one for art. http://www.sewingwithtrudy.blogspot.com and http://www.artisticcreationswithtrudy.blogspot.com
My 9 year old daughter is also having a giveaway on her sewing blog. Hers is http://www.sewingsister.blogspot.com
trudy dot callan at gmail dot com
I lvoe to quilt and think people love receiving my quilts. They are made with lots of love and prayers.
I love these quilts…and I know my daughter would spend hours staring at it!
I would like to try my hand at one of these quilts and I think your giveaway has just enough squares for a baby quilt.
My exhusband and his fiance are expecting next May. they have been trying for over a year so this will be a wonderous, blessed event!
Additionally, my 14-year old son has agreed to help sew up a quilt for his little brother or sister–how awesome is that??
I would make this for my grandson. Thanks for the chance to win!
Oh I have a brand new niece & by the time I finish that quilt she would be ready to enjoy it!
thanks for the great giveaway!
i love random fabrics brought together to make an amazing quilt!
happy holidays and thanks again!
I would seew a quilte for my son. I am working my way through each of my 5 kids and haven’t decided what to make his yet. He is the only boy LOL.
Great quilt idea! I’d sew one for my niece. Thanks!
I have been wanting to make an I-spy quilt…yours is adorable!
I would love to make one for my 3 year old
This is an amazing giveaway and that quilt is really impressive! I would love to make something like that… I am keeping my fingers crossed!
what lovely fabrics. thanks for being so generous.
i have a 1yr old and a 2 yr old so i would make them a little i spy quilt each.
great great giveaway!
yes you are tooooo kind :)))
please count me in!!
and go to my blog
Iām hosting this giveaway too :))
HUGS from Portugal :)))
I would make a quilt for my 3 tear old, I know hw would love it! Thanks for the great giveaway!
I would make an I-Spy for the kids in my child care program – to use as an extra nap blanket, to build forts with, to play dollies upon, and to roll around in!
I love the Ispy quilt!! What a cute idea for a little one. Thanks for providing this inspiration and participating in the giveaway.
I have often thought about making an I SPy quilt- very fun quilt for kids. What a nice quilt you have made with your squares.
Thanks for hosting a giveaway- someone is really going to enjoy your squares.
Warmest regards,
I would love this for a quilt for my 3 year old son Cash!
I have two sweet little girls who would love an I Spy quilt! I’d have to split the pack and add my own to make one for each of them…!
Thanks for the chance to enter!
I just had my 100th post too! Congrats. I goes fast, doesn’t it? Anyway, I would love to win this. Thanks for the chance.
I have a friend that is pregnant with her first boy – I’d love to make a quilt for him!
Thanks for this giveaway! My two little guys would love this fabric in a quilt!
I Spy quilt would be a great first quilt for me – my mother-in-law would help me with it and then I’d save it for her first grandchild (probably my own child, but could be my sister-in-law’s!)
Thanks for the giveaway!
Of course it would be for my little boy Oz, who is the cutest ever. But your Jamie is darn cute too!
My 18 month old granddaughter
what a great adventure
Such a lovely give away! Thanks for the chance to win.
We are expecting our first Grand Baby in January!! I would have to make her an I-spy quilt!
Stop by my bloggie place for my giveaway! sewinstitches.blogspot.com
I’d love to make cute doll quilts with those cute fabrics! Thank you for teh lovely giveaway!
I would definitely be sewing an I Spy quilt for my niece- these fabrics are just too cute!
I’d make the quilt for my third baby, Spencer. He’s often the forgotten and neglected one, whether it’s filling in his baby book or getting his ornaments for each year. He deserves something new just for him!
LOVE the quilt. I’d make one for my almost 3 year old son!
The twins would love to have a quilt like that… Wich one would have it, that is the question!!
Thanks for the great giveaway! Happy holidays!
misszucchini at yahoo dot ca
Oh, I’d either make it for my 18 month old or for my 8 month old godson. They would love it!
Oh my daughter! I’ve never made a quilt before, but always wanted to start learning ever since my daughter was born. Maybe this is it? š
I’d probably make it for a friend. š
Love the Quilt – if I should be so lucky I would make a quilt for a new nephew arriving in March – thanks for the chance
I would make one for my niece.
Would love to win this – always wanted to do a neat I spy quilt!
Love this idea and the fabric rocks! I would sew an I spy for my 6 month old son:)
I’ve been wanting to make an I spy quilt for my kids. I would make it for them to share or add more of my own fabrics and make 2 so they each have one (that would probably be best LOL).
Wow! My cousin’s son would LOVE a quilt like this1 What a great idea! jinglesells at gmail dot com
I would make one for my goddaughter. She is in the hospital. And I am positive that something like this would make her feel a little better! š
It’s an easy choice as to who I’d make one for. I would make it for my granddaughter who I’ve been wanting to make some type of quilt for since she was born.
Ooh, I’ve already been wanting to make my daughter an i-spy quilt – perfect!
Great idea. The fabrics you have chosen look great.
I think I would make it for my Little Sister…though secretly I think I would want it for myself too. =)
I would sew one for my son probably. Or my daughter. Or I’d have to spilt it up and sew one for each of them. š
What a great giveaway! I still have yet to make my son his quilt.. someday!
I have been collecting novelty fabrics for over a year now to make a variation of an I-spy quilt for my sister. These fabrics are SO CUTE and would work great for this project. And since I’ve been accumulating the fabrics for so long, I’ve got quite a few, so I’m thinking that I’ll be using the leftovers to make some colorful kids quilts to donate to a local hospital or something.
Thanks for the great giveaway and congrats on a great quilt and 100 posts!
I have started collecting fabrics for an I-Spy quilte for my 14 month old daughter (holy cow! 14 months!). But I am just not finding fabrics that are really speaking to me. And, unfortunately, our budget has taken its toll on my ability to collect any more fabric for anything.
I love that you put his name in the middle. Your I-Spy quilt is so cute!