I’ve heard rumors that it’s getting cold somewhere, and your little ones need some bundling! My Which Way Out Jacket is designed to keep them all warm and cozy. (Here in Dallas, it’s still in the 80s, but winter will come eventually!) This hooded jacket uses two layers of fabric and with the right zipper, it is completely reversible for two looks in one.
One of the things that I love about sewing outerwear for my children is that you get a lot of wear for your sewing time! Unlike tees and pants that get worn one day and thrown into the wash until laundry day, jackets are worn every time your little one is out of the house in the cooler months and because they don’t tend to get dirty as quickly, they spend a lot less time in the hamper.
In sizes 12 months to 5T, the Which Way Out Jacket features roomy pockets and fold-up cuffs. For extra insulation, you can add a hidden layer of cotton flannel or thin quilted batting, or you can turn your Hooded Jacket into a windbreaker and raincoat by using PUL (polyurethane laminate) as the outer layer.
The PDF version of this pattern will be available on Wednesday, 10/19, along with one other pattern that I’ll be blogging about later today. The paper versions of these patterns will be available after Quilt Market on 11/2.
I love this jacket.. it is super easy to sew!!!
I really want to get this pattern to make a raincoat for my little grandson. He just moved to Seattle, with his Mommy and Daddy, and he would get a LOT of use out of it…unlike when they lived here in Texas…where it apparently has decided never to rain. Ever.
I am so excited for this pattern. I have been wanting to make my ds a rain jacket but could not find a pattern ANYWHERE! I will be buying this as soon as it is availiable. I just wish I knew how much fabric I need so I could order it right now.
I love this jacket! I tested it out on my oldest son and now my youngest wants a matching jacket. Guess I’d better get sewing quick!
What a great jacket this is. All the options are so nice. There will be many in various sizes in our home. Thank you for another great pattern!
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